Microsoft Dynamics NAV Documentation

Flow Properties

Property Description

Process Code

Identifier of the process

Line No.

Indentifier for line

Code From

The source activity

Type From

The type of origin: either an activity or a process

Condition Type

Determines the condition type


Determines the condition in which it results in true or false

Parent Table No.

The Table Number of the parent flow

Type To

If Condition is true, the next type

Code To

If Condition is true, the next Activity,Process or Flow

No. Of Related Parameters

The number of parameters that are given a value when a flow is chosen

False Type To

If Condition is not met, the next type

False Code To

If Condition is not met, the next Activity,Process or Flow

Table Relation

If the tables between activities are different, a relation can be set between them

1. "True" and "False" destination on a single flow line The True and False action on a single flow line, allows an assignment on one flow line to include a destination when the Condition applies and a destination if the condition is not applicable. 1. Flow lines The "Type From" and the "Type To" include the type "flow". This will allow the process designer to include flow entries that do not necessarily need to go from screen to screen, but from check to check (and finally to a next screen or process). These Flows of type "flow" can be addressed to multiple Flows in order to only create this specific condition once, this is especially very efficient if multiple flows require the same conditions. 1. Start Process with initialization of Parameters Before the first screen is shown, this flow line can handle the initialization of Parameter values by setting up the related Parameters for this flow line.