Anywhere Mobility Studio Documentation

Activity Properties

Property Description

Process Code

Identifier of the process that the activity belongs to


Uniquely identifies the activity

Table Name

The table that this activity´s data relates to

No. of Controls

Number of related controls

No. of Filters

Number of related filters in the set of filters

Alternate Key

Change the sort order of the records in a data grid. Available sorting depends on the keys in the Dynamics NAV table

Sort Order

Change the sorting: ascending or descending


The dataset from an activity can be limited by filters. This includes the records displayed on a data grid. The fields that can be filtered are from the activity’s table name. The value of the filter is configured by an expression that evaluates into a filter value.

The filter results in table view (like the “sourcetableview” property in pages). This means that the filter value is interpreted as a filter, and not as a field value. So the expression can contain for example: 1, order, yes, >20, 3...7 and more.



There are 3 types of arguments for a filter expression, these will be entered by means of a wizard.

  • Constant
    The filter value is entered as a string of characters.
  • Field
    The filter value can be a field from the table represented by the activity’s table name. The expression will evaluate into the value from the field in the record that was active in the previous activity with the same table. This option also supports the use of Parameters and a selection of Session fields.
  • Function
    The filter value is generated by a custom function. The function contains code that evaluates in a value that can be used as (a part of) a filter. If the function takes arguments, this is shown in the next screen of the wizard. Here it is possible to address the arguments to a contant, field or to another function, as nesting of functions is supported.

Filters with multiple lines in their expression are combined.