Microsoft Dynamics NAV Documentation

When a user logs in, the system will retrieve the first Process. This process can be set up on three levels.

  1. Setup: Default Menu

  2. Role: Login Process

  3. User: Login Process

The functionality is triggered based on a fallback scenario. First, the system will check if a Login Process is defined on the User Card, if no setup has been made, it will check the "Main" role on a login Process assignment. Finally if no Login Process has been specified on the Role, it will use the default menu from the Setup Page.

  1. Default Menu

The default menu process is defined on the Setup page. This process will be launched when a user logs in. The type of the Process can be of any type; using a process of type "menu" will allow a menu containing a process selection. Adding a standard process as a default menu will result in the immediate access to that process only. This "Default Menu" setup will be the same for all mobile users.

  1. Role Menu

It is possible to connect a specific menu to Role. An example is to link a Warehouse Menu to a Warehouse Role.

The assigned process to the field "Login Process" will be used when logging in, if a user has been assigned to this Role, having the primary role checked as "Main". This is set up from the User card and the assignment of role(s). Note! Only Processes assigned to this Role are visible and can be selected as a "Login Process".

  1. User Card

The user can have a Process assigned to the "Login Process" that is specific to this user when logging in.