Business Integration Solutions Documentation


In Business Integration Solutions, use the XMLPORTXMLGENERATOR activity to generate an XML document using a Microsoft Dynamics BC XMLPort.


Use this activity to export Microsoft Dynamics BC data via available XMLports.


Many AL (C/SIDE) developers and Microsoft Dynamics BC consultant are comfortable in creating and working with XMLPorts. XMLports are object types that can import and export data. The data in XMLports is encapsulated in XML format which makes it possible to exchange information between different computing systems in a streamlined way.

If you already have XMLports available and want use them in a configuration, you can use the XMLPort XML Generator activity to export data.

This activity invokes a Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Business Central XMLPort object in a BIS Connection. With this activity it is possible to include exports based on calculations or temporary tables.

XMLPort XML Generator activity supports pipelines with a filterset or a single record. Pipelines that contain record sets will result in either an error or will run the XMLPort without any filters. see Setup. User Event, Code Event. Using one of these events in combination with XMLPort XML Generator activity will run the XMLPort without any filters.

[Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Business Central] ➡️ [XML Port XML Generator] ➡️ XML output (XML port)


XMLPort Name.: The object name of the XMLPort that will be run.

Generate without filter: When no filter can be set on the XMLPort, this option allows the activity to continue without generating an error.

[image of XMLPORTXMLGENERATOR Setup page]