Business Integration Solutions Documentation


In Business Integration Solutions, use the XMLPORTRECGENERATOR activity to generate records based on Microsoft Dynamics Bc XMLPort.


Use this activity if you want to import data from a file into Microsoft Dynamics BC database, using XMLPort.


Many C/SIDE developers and Microsoft Dynamics BC consultant are comfortable in creating and working with XMLPorts. XMLports are object types that can import and export data. The data in XMLports is encapsulated in XML format which makes it possible to exchange information between different computing systems in a streamlined way.

If you already have XMLports available and want to save time in configuration, you can use the XMLPort Record Generator activity. This activity uses the XMLport to import data into Micrsoft Dynamics BC.

When importing files to a Microsoft Dynamics BC database, you can replace an entire record or update specific fields in records that already exist in the database. You can also automatically save the data you are importing or you can manipulate the data in code before you save it, by using Mapper activity.

XML Port (XML input) ➡️ [XML Port Record Generator] ➡️ [Microsoft Dynamics NAV]