Business Integration Solutions Documentation

Solution Center

Solution center maintains global setup values for BIS and it's related products. New features and experimental fixes can be controlled in the setup before they become generally available.

Solution Center Setup is only available in search via "Solution Center Setup".

Solution Center Setup

General Setup

Enable Message logging

Allows you to enable or disable the message log. Disabling this setting will only process messages, but doesn't store them.

This setting will be expanded with more features in a future retention policy update.

Default Security Profiles

Manage the default security profiles per endpoint.

Optional Setup

Enable Changeloghandler v2

The Enable change log Handler V2 was introduced to adress performance issues. The record change event code has been updated and this feature can be enabled in Solution Center Setup. When enabled record changes will be logged via new handler which improves performance. This feature will become a standard feature in the future.

This setting was introduced for the Recordchange Event

Enable Distinct Mapper

Enabling this feature (by default enabled), will avoid parsing nodes with the same name in the same method (e.g xpath,constant or full expression), this increases performance. To avoid any unforeseen consequences, it was introduced as an optional feature.

This setting was introduced for the Mapper Activity This feature is stable and the setting has been marked obsolete, expected removal in Q2 2022


It can occur that recordchanges get processed before the transaction of capturing the event has completed. This can result in the following error message

The related recordset for this message could not be retrieved. Please retry.

To avoid this, a retry option is set globally to retry retrieving the recordset before triggering this error. Initially this will be set to 3 attempts, with an increasing delay between attempts.

This setting can be modified between 1 and 9 load attempts. This setting was introduced for the Recordchange Event

Enable Queuelockhandler

A bug was reported by various clients where some messages would stay "In Process" while the handling job queue entry would have an error state. An experimental fix is introduced to fix this by changing the way BIS handles errors. Since this has a big impact, this feature will initially be disabled, in the future this will be auto enabled. This setting was introduced for the Processing

Macros with parentheses

A bug was reported where in some cases an Azure File Writer would fail at evaluating the file name, due to macros containing curly brackets failing to evalute. To prevent such scenarios a new flag has been introduced in Solution Center Setup called "Macros with parentheses", which if enabled will make macros use parentheses '()' instead of curly brackets ''.


When this feature is enabled, the table relation in the internal document will be used to inherit all fields from it's parent, even when those fields are not defined as separate nodes in the document.

When a field is both set in the child as well as the table relation, the value coming from the parent record will be overwritten with the mapped value, even when empty. A warning will be shown when BIS detects this setup

When this feature is disabled, the table relation in the internal document is only used to retrieve the child record to determine the found/not found action, and will inherit only the fields that were defined in the parent

When a field is not set in the parent's definition but it is in the table relation, BIS will show a warning that the document shouldn't be used for import